Saturday, March 19, 2005

Six Finger Satellite, "30 Lashes" (from 1996's Paranormalized)

Vitalic, "Trahison" (from the upcoming OK Cowboy)

The Kleptones have a new album available for download via Bittorrent, and it's just as good as Yoshimi Battles the Hip-Hop Robots and A Night at the Hip-Hopera.

Download Diplo's Favela on Blast mix from Boom Selection. And if you like it enough, or if you guilt about that kind of thing, get a hard copy from the man himself.

And really, while the M.I.A. record is fantastic, don't be a sucker and go to ebay for the mixtape- it's still out there. A little PSA to keep people from getting ripped off.